Most of these versions are simply hot-headed while others are useful.
There are so many accounts and diverse versions of Adolf Hitler and his brand of politics. I have checked it on Google and in both Microsoft Edge and Bing. I cqn confirm to you there are 100 of million versions of who Adolf Hitler is about, origin in Vienna, his book Mein Kampf, and the years when he was Fuhrer, up to the time leading to the Second World War.
In the midst of these and above all of them is Eugen Weber version of Adolf Hitler. This is was makes Eugen Weber so special – a rare politician. A master teacher who brings context and the spirit to history. And this way we learn and appreciate the value of history.
In this audio program we have distilled Eugen Weber masterful presentation of Adolf Hitler from one of his lectures. It his class, it his genius and he does this in less than ten minutes.
That is right, within ten minutes we get to know about the background of Adolf Hitler, and what drove him to kill so many people.
The study of Adolf Hitler is of great importance. Adolf Hitler could not handle most foods. Food caused him stomach pains. He avoided most food and was a vegetarian, did not drink alcohol, and did not smoke cigarettes. He was constantly experiencing stomach distress and tried all sorts of medications, seeking relief, to no avail. His constant stomach distress produced a sense of weakness in him. He restituted with desire to be the most powerful man in the world. His politics was his battle to be the most powerful man in the world, his Mein Kampf, that is my struggle.
The angle which Eugen Weber on Adolf Hitler takes is comprehensive; very brief, simple to understand yet profound. I like the way Eugen Weber writes and present history. He is not one of those historians who are bogged down by theory and methods in the presentation of history. Eugen Weber’s aim is to get to the reader and listener, to transport the reader and listen back to the time and environment upon which, the history was being made.
I know how easily people are deceived.
As an undergraduate student, I read Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf and Table Talks and other books on the malleability of people. Hitler perceived people as sheep who strong men, like him, can easily lead to wherever they want to lead them to.
It is worth remembering that Adolf Hitler was idealistic. The Dutch and Germans gave us ponderous, idealistic philosophy, such as the writings of Spinoza, Leibnitz, Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and Feuerbach and Ludwig Wittgenstein.
Essentially, there are two ways of going about solving problems: idealistic or realistic.
Idealistic solutions are mentally constructed solutions that sound attractive but may not be feasible in the real world. The real world limits what human beings can do, for space, time and matter have their own immutable laws, laws that make it impossible for human beings to do certain things. For example, we can dream of flying but the law of aerodynamics makes it impossible for us (animals without wings) to fly, unless we construct mechanical contraptions that obey the aerodynamic law.
Realistic solutions to perceived problems often do not conceptually sound attractive but take into consideration the realities of the environment and are likely to work out in the real world.
A politician can be idealistic and appeal to our feelings; on the other hand, a politician can be realistic and appeal to our reason.
In this audio program I like the style in which Eugen Weber get us understand the procedure leading to the gas chambers, where a lot of killings were done.
This is a rare audio that you will not afford not to have in your personal files. It is classic and it’s worth it. Modern History is anchored upon Adolf Hitler, so a perfect and clear understanding of him is important, and all this is presented in less than ten minutes by the master historian himself not a voice over artist. Get it now by donating to this great taxing hard yet important work we do.
Knowing the truth, and cleansing yourself from falsehoods is one of those contributory factors to sound mental health and wellness. We in the 21st century we laud ourselves as advanced and far ahead from the past generations of people. We look back at history with cringe instead of with the positive attitude to learn and distill ideas and make them workable for today. One of the greatest work of Eugen Weber is the book which he published in 1971 called Path to the Present.
Are you able to locate that path that has brought you where we are today or that path has submerged and we have lost it? If that is so then we ought to discover it. And that is the reason we are hard at work in developing this sound history and philosophy for the modern person. It is an effort to reconnect ourselves back to our evolution. So in the process of this worthy project depend on you to help.
Getting this rare, much helpful classic lecture by Eugen Weber is one of those acts of support to the work we do.
One final remark and we conclude. Remember that Eugen Weber knows Adolf Hitler at close quarters. I am very careful in the words I use. I am not saying that Eugen Weber knows Adolf Hitler personally, he certainly knows him like I know my hand. Eugen Weber was a soldier during the Second World War. He was attached to the British Royal Army and rose to the army leader, to the level of captain. He joined the British Army at the height of the Second World War which was 1943.
So what Eugen Weber remarks and says about Adolf Hitler is not academic nor speculations nor theoretical. He get the facts from the very context and environment that Adolf Hitler was operating from. And that is one on the things that sets Eugen Weber apart from the rest of the other historians. Most of history is too academic and is devoid of feeling. Eugen Weber says the following about the role or the practice of history by historian: sympathy might be asking too much, but definitely, the historian must have empathy with the time and people he is talking about. Please note that I am not writing an academic treatise here, I am writing from direct experience.
Empathy is connection and understanding as well as a deep felt human feeling. Since we are all human it is possible to enter into the shoes of the other human being and from feel as he feels, thinks as he thinks. That is how great history is written.
The people who wrote history were people who have been in public figures, and men of affairs, meaning they did not write history from an academic angle. They wrote history from practical personal knowledge. When Eugen Weber talks about the life of Adolf Hitler and Himmler in this audio program he is not beginning from books or theory. Heinrich Luitpold Himmler was Reichsführer of the Schutzstaffel, and a leading member of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party. Himmler was one of the most powerful men in Nazi Germany and a main architect of the Holocaust.
That is a personal real life history. That kind of history is valuable and helpful. Real practical history becomes philosophy or wisdom for living and it is to balm people from the absurdities of everyday life, particularly this age. We are very much concerned about the deplorable state people have fallen into, where depression and stress are a way of life. Never before through all the streams of history people have sunk so low.
You can get the audio program below; concise, brief weaves the life of Adolf Hitler within ten minutes. Profound take from a historian who knew Adolf Hitler from close quarters. A man who fought and beat him.