History and Philosophy as Therapy: the Doom and End of Psychology and its various branches, Psychotherapy and Psychiatry! Alow the Master Historian Eugen Weber Bring You to a New Dawn!

Wevbelieve that we can bring about the healing of the human psyche, which in turn will bring in healing of the nations, by solid history and solid gravitas philosophy, to bring in aréte.

Never before has the human race been filled with such promise. And yet never before has the threat that faces mankind been so great. Modern man and modern woman have become alienated from their source and from the universe of which they are part. The great problems of mental illnesses; depression, stress, psychological pain and so on are the results or indicators of the disharmony within the human psyche. You are disconnected from your background: the vital history and its wisdom that has enabled us to survive harsh conditions.

History and philosophy are two sides of the same coin. It is hard to separate History from practical philosophy. Most part of our history was philosophy put to practice. At the time when Christ was born, the dominant philosophy that ruled the world and connected the varies different people from different backgrounds was stoicism. Indeed, Emperor Augustus ruled the whole universal world through Stoicism. And those years of the reign of Emperor Augustus was called the Pax Romana.

The term “Pax Romana,” which literally means “Roman peace,” refers to the time period from 27 B.C.E. to 180 C.E. in the Roman Empire.

This 200-year period saw unprecedented peace and economic prosperity throughout the Empire.

That is the reason we have worked hard, tirelessly day and night an our efforts to bring back to life again the essence of Stoicism philosophy. Our painstaking efforts are a concern over the horrible state human beings have fallen. Something drastic must be done to safe humanity.

We are very much concerned about the state of mental health, the deplorable state people have fallen into, where such killer diseases such as depression, stress and all sorts of mental illnesses are a way of life. Never before had people sunk so low. With the birth and breakthroughs in psychology during the 20th century we glamored at the preponderance role of psychology in our lives, only to discover that the air castles we built are on an unstable foundation. Today the world is drowning in mental health degradation as a variety of mental illnesses issues struck the world. We lost connection we our evolution, history and the soundness of philosophy that gives gravitas and aréte.

Our journey in the rediscovering of Stoicism was varied, wide and diverse. However after must long walk we finally settled in one man to serve as an anchor to our aspirations. That man is the master historian Eugen Weber, who was professor of History and Dean of Philosophy (The College) at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) from 1956 to the time he died in 2007 as emeritus.

Eugen Weber has written a mountain of history and philosophy. He was educated at Cambridge University where Isaac Newton graduated and where William Harvey graduated. Sir Isaac Newton discovered the law of gravity and became the father of modern science. William Harvey discovered the circulation of the blood and became the father of modern medicine. And we proceed to venture that with Eugen Weber’s great works you will discover yourself.

The biggest question that confronted us was how will we do. What we did was to go through the whole complex volumes and volumes of works of Eugen Weber as distil the essentials, the vital wisdom.

In this audio program we have went through the whole 24 hour public lecture program of 52 lectures that Eugen Weber made for Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) and distilled the cream. You get the cream: the solid background, history and development of Stoicism in two hours of listening. You get to understand the key figures of Stoicism and its development throughout history and how it influenced Christianity and Christianity influenced it. This is very powerful masterpiece knowledge that will build you up and make you a solid person. There is simply nothing in the world like this program. You get to hear from Eugen Weber himself not a voice over narrator or reader. Eugen Weber is known for his simplicity and yet powerful of going to the essentials of issues.

Stoicism philosophy has always recognized that the human psyche and the universe are one and the same, and that the one is but a reflection of the other. It follows that if the individual is at one with himself or herself the universe will reflect his or her inner harmony. The goal of Stoicism is to bring about this harmony within the psyche by enabling the individual to experience himself or herself true nature and thereby transform the conflicts within him/her and around him or her.

The study of solid vital history and practical philosophy such as Stoicism has been eroded by the excitement of the modern people to great speculations by Psychology and its dreamy fathers such as Sigmund Freud and Albert Ellis. And in the process we disconnected with the vital solid stuff of life: history and philosophy.

Much of what is discussed today as Stoicism is pure mumbo jumbo. You need to swim in clear waters not muddy bacteria infested waters that stinks.

Clarity is key. Allow Eugen Weber to take you by his cool hand on a great journey into history and philosophy. Get to know the essence, the history, the background, the figures and movers and shakers of Stoicism. Get to know how Stoicism influenced Christianity and how Christianity influenced Stoicism. We have done this hard work for you. You will begin to see the light which only will stimulate you for further knowledge of the theme of how to live powerfully by adopting Stoicism philosophy which relates to the development of the human personality.

I realize that there is a great change for good coming over you. This audio introduces you to that Power, or whatever you wish to call it, which, when accepted and developed through a process of right thinking, creates a philosophy of life which sweeps away all obstacles and brings that which
every human desires: success, happiness, satisfaction and the tranquility of daily peace. You are going to be enlightened. Your fears, trials and tribulations will fade into the mists. The door of yesterday will be closed forever. A grand and glorious feeling will engulf you and you will smile, and when you do, the world will smile with you.

He who does not know what the world is does not know where he is. And he who does not know for what purpose the world exists, does not know who he is, nor what the world is.


For those of you who seek to learn and make progress, we gently lay this in
your laps. We do so without the slightest fear but that it will turn your world entirely upside down—bringing you health, wealth, success and happiness, pyroviding you understand and accept.

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